Protect your business with…

Sentry CTO Cybersecurity Services
Cybersecurity Consulting and Support Services for the Digital Age

Cybersecurity is an important aspect of any modern business that can’t be ignored. Businesses, big and small, are under attack by cyber criminals more than ever before. In response to this growing threat, we provide cybersecurity consulting and support services to businesses.

TekStop’s cybersecurity-first approach gives you the peace of mind to focus on your business. If you have ever wondered “is my business secure enough?”, then it’s time to talk to us.

Cybersecurity Risk Assessment

A good solution starts with a plan. TekStop’s cybersecurity risk assessment is a professional I.T. consulting engagement that helps you uncover the hidden risks facing your business. Once you know the risks, you can create a plan of action to protect your business. Things continue to change on the I.T. landscape. That’s why we provide an in-depth look into your business to help you protect your clients, employees, and revenue.

In 2021 cyber attacks cost the world $6.5 trillion. These threats are on the rise. In response, we help businesses understand the risks and create a plan to detect, protect, and remediate.

Today, technology is a critical piece of any business. A cybersecurity consultation must involve several steps to ensure your bases are covered. During your risk assessment, we will perform the following vital steps.

Cybersecurity Consulting Starts Here

  • Inspect the Network

  • Investigate Sensitive Data

  • Evaluate Cloud Applications

  • Search for Passwords

  • Dark Web Research

  • Review Security Policies and Procedures

  • Risk Mitigation Strategy Consultation

Why is a cybersecurity risk assessment important?

Whether you’re a small business or an enterprise with hundreds of employees, you face the risk that a cyber attack will bring down your business. A cybersecurity consulting engagement will help you identify the specific risks facing your unique business. It’s important to regularly assess your I.T. needs and security solutions to make sure you aren’t unknowingly open to attack.

After our cybersecurity risk assessment is completed, we will provide our results during the risk mitigation strategy meeting. In addition to the results of our assessment, we will provide a custom managed I.T. service solution to meet the unique needs of your business.

Get started today by scheduling a free cybersecurity consultation and find out what we can do to protect your business.


Protect your business with…

Sentry CTO Cybersecurity Services